This week, it was announced that The American Legion National Convention is being cancelled and that all current national officers would remain in place. In Resolution #3 it was recommended that all Departments follow suit for the safety of their membership.

I want to address this with you from a bylaws standpoint. Our Department is working on the issue and as of yet has made no permanent decision concerning our Department Convention. Until an announcement is made, everything will stand in place. Please be patient and give the Department time to do its job in addressing our current situation.

That being said, each post is an individual corporation under the leadership of the Department. We need to do everything we can to meet the obligations of our post, district, and Department bylaws. We have been working at giving you the means to do this through online meetings and telephone conference calls.

The resource information and reference list I sent out a few days ago is now posted on the Department website under Training/Online Meeting Resources and is there for you to use.  Please use it.

If there is anyway possible, you must endeavor to conduct nominations and elections and submit your Certification of Officers online no later than 20 days prior to the opening of convention. All this is still in place until otherwise changed by the DEC. We have a lot to get done over the next three months and we need your help by doing your part. Please help us keep California moving forward.

On Sunday, April 19 at 2 p.m., there will be an Online Training Session on how to write bylaws. A notice will be sent out on how to participate. The session will be recorded and placed on the Online Training page after the fact as a training resource.

If anyone has any questions or needs help, please let us know and we will do our best to meet your needs. Use the website It’s one of the best in the country and has a lot to offer.

Be strong, stay safe, and thank you for what you do for our American Legion.

Mark Rice
Author: Mark Rice

Mark Rice served as an Air Force Medic during Vietnam and Desert Storm. He is the Chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Commission and is a 28-year Legionnaire of Post 383 in Fair Oaks.