
Basic Training course
Have your new and current post members taken The American Legion’s free Basic Training course? The course covers five topics: history and organization; Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation; National Security; Americanism; and Children & Youth. Each topic offers ways in which American Legion Family members can advance the organization’s values and services in their local communities.
Following a Course Conclusion step in the training program, a 40-question exam is provided. Graduates can download and print a certificate of completion and order a Basic Training Graduate pin from Emblem Sales. Take the Basic Training course online at

Training Tuesdays
On the last Tuesday of each month, The American Legion National Headquarters staff presents 60 to 90-minute sessions on topics aimed at Legion Family leaders in your post. Training Tuesday events started in October of 1920 with a 30-minute presentation on our Buddy Check program.
Here is a link to the Buddy Check video:
Buddy Check
As American Legion members, our most sacred responsibility is to look out for each other and our fellow veterans. To reach out to members and former members who may need help, American Legion posts are encouraged to perform this vital function whenever it makes the most sense in their communities.
This session focuses on the who, what, where, when, and why of the program and discusses the relevance, importance, and strategic objectives of taking care of our fellow veterans.
Each monthly session of Training Tuesday is recorded and made available for later viewing. To view all the previously recorded Training Tuesday events – CLICK HERE.
Training Page Links
California American Legion College
The spring 2025 course of the California American Legion College is being held at Yolo Post 77 in Woodland, from April 25-27.
For more information visit: California American Legion College

Training Resources
- Americanism Conference
- California American Legion College (CALC)
- Bylaws & Resolutions
- Basic Training (ALEI)
- Children & Youth Conference
- District Training in a Box
- Membership Workshop
- Training Materials
- Online Training
- Service Officer Training
- The American Legion Training Page
- Training Newsletters

Section 12. TRAINING COMMITTEE: The Department Commander at the organizational meeting of the Department Executive Committee immediately following the adjournment of the Annual Department Convention shall appoint a seven (7) member Committee which shall have the duty of promoting, developing, and delivering effective training opportunities for all levels of the Department in order to best engage our members with the purpose and programs of The American Legion and increase the overall functionality of the organization.