Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division patrol somewhere near Samarah, Iraq im early 2008. (Photo: Spc. Jordan Huett, U.S. Army)
The next major PACT Act deadline for some Veterans is slated for Sept. 30, 2023.
A special enrollment period will allow eligible Veterans to bypass the normal application process for VA benefits and enroll directly in VA health care. To be eligible, the applying Veteran has never been enrolled in VA health care, must have been deployed to a combat zone, and left active duty between Sept. 11, 2001 and Oct. 1, 2013.
Under separate policies, Vietnam Veterans, Gulf War Veterans, and all Veterans who deployed to a combat zone less than 10 years ago and have since left active duty are also eligible for VA health care without having to first apply for VA benefits.
Approved Veterans will be able to fast track toxic exposure claims under new policies enacted under the PACT Act, which presumes many serious or deadly illnesses are directly caused by military service. Notable diseases include hypertension, certain cancers, kidney disease, and several dozen more.
All Veterans who are enrolled in VA health care can undergo a toxic exposure screening. Since last August, over four million Veterans have undergone screenings, potentially improving or saving tens of thousands of lives by connecting Veterans with corresponding medical care earned through their military service.
For details on how to enroll in VA health care or PACT Act benefits, click here. Veterans can also reach out to The American Legion for help navigating benefits and claims.