Veterans looking to learn about the equestrian world have a great opportunity to get involved in a program in the Los Angeles area.

Warriors Road at Dark Horse Ranch in Sun Valley gives veterans and their families the opportunity to meet its horses, bond with them, groom them and ride them. The program will accept veterans of all riding abilities.

Warriors Road is a veteran-owned and operated Los Angeles-based non-profit organization meant to heal veterans through outdoor and equestrian activities.

Sponsored by American Legion Ronald Reagan-Palisades Post 283 and Replay Polo, the equestrian organization offers daily rides and walks for veterans and their families. Warriors Road also provides volunteer opportunities and trail guide certification.

Warriors Road is raising money for hay, saddles, horse shoes, more horses, veterinarian costs and vitamins for the horses. To donate, visit its Go Fund Me page.

caLegion Contributor
Author: caLegion Contributor

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