James T. Higuera (Photo: Lillian Moss)
The American Legion Department of California should be extremely proud that our candidate, selected by the members of our Department at our Department convention this past June in Ontario, has gone on to bring us pride and honor.
Although our Department selects and recommends a candidate, there are never assurances that this person will be chosen to become the leading candidate.
James “Jim” T. Higuera, a Paid Up For Life member of our great organization with 53 years of service in The American Legion and certainly a consummate Legionnaire, has been selected as the leading candidate for the honorable position of national vice commander representing the Western States Division (WSD). This is a position that California has not held since 1999.
Jim recently presented himself before a review committee, consisting of senior members of the Western States Caucus which gathered at the Fall Meetings held at American Legion national headquarters in Indianapolis on Oct. 6-7, 2019.
After lengthy interviews, reviews and inquiry, Jim was selected by the committee to present himself as the leading candidate for the upcoming position as Western States Division, national vice commander for the years 2020-21.
Jim Higuera has served his post, district, Department, and the national offices in an honorable and professional manner. His performance in all duties of The American Legion throughout the years was recognized by senior leaders.
Jim’s eligibility for membership stems from his honorable service in the U.S. Army. Jim enlisted in 1963 and served as an Army Security agent with top secret clearance status.
He was honorably discharged at the rank of specialist E-5 in January 1969. Jim went on to make a career as a senior detention services officer for the Los Angeles Probation Department and retired with honors in March 2015.
Jim has served in numerous national positions, including national historian in 2009-10, legislative council member, distinguished guest committee, trophies awards and ceremonies committee, convention commission and has attended over 35 national conventions. Jim also served as president of The American Legion Press Association
At the department level, Jim has served as a past vice commander (Area 4), historian, sgt-at-arms and has served as chairman of many Department commissions and committees, including convention credentials, Americanism, foreign relations, post activities and ritual commission.
His impressive service to the district and post are equal to his accomplishments at the department and national levels.
Jim has also served as past president of the past commanders’ club and past president of the California American Legion Press Association.
As the editor of his district newsletter, he garnered the honor of receiving winner of best district publication.
I would hope that all of you take a moment to wish Jim Higuera all the best in his upcoming campaign. His travels will be extensive and exhausting, however, he certainly is up for the task.
Please be sure to wish him well, as you will be seeing him around his post, at upcoming district meetings and at all Department functions prior to the onset of his campaign trail.
Let’s make sure that Jim knows that California is proud of him and we will all strive to keep our membership numbers high.
We know that James T. Higuera will represent all of us in an outstanding manner. Remember, as we like to say, THE WEST IS THE BEST.