Have you ever given any thought about what makes The American Legion a great organization? If I was to list all the accomplishments and accolades of this organization, you would be amazed.

I’ll get to the basics of what makes this organization what it is today.

This organization owes its greatness and success to its members — members that give up countless hours of their time to see that the job gets done. Regardless of their affiliation, Legionnaire, American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of The American Legion, Legion rider or whether retired or still working, these amazing individuals always find the time to serve a greater good.

There is no task too small or too big for our members, there is always someone to see that the task is done. Do not underestimate the importance of a single member, whether they just pay their dues or are active within the post. Without membership dues, it would not be possible to support our programs. We all have a part to play and no one member is more important than another.

The mission of this organization is vastly misunderstood by those outside of it, but I can tell you those we help understand us and are grateful for that helping hand that was extended during their time of need. With the recent disastrous tornadoes in the Midwest, the Legion’s National Relief Fund is a life saver. All of the families this Christmas that have received assistance thru our many Christmas assistance programs: Secret Santa, Toys for Tots to name a few understand what we stand for. There are many more programs, too many to mention.

It is the membership of the Legion family that makes it possible to have these programs and in turn, it’s the membership that make this organization great. Thank you to all our members and I am grateful for all your hard work, you make me proud to be a Legion Family member.

James Eubanks is commander of the Sons of The American Legion Detachment of California 2021-2022.


James Eubanks
Author: James Eubanks