Women Veteran Committee

Women Veteran Commttee

Women Veteran Advocacy

Women VeteransThe current global war on terror illustrates a few deficiencies in services provided for women veterans. Never before have women service members been engaged in constant combative environments. Participation in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom has forced them to expand their military roles to ensure their own survival, as well as the survival of their units. They sustain the same types of injuries that their male counterparts endure. Any future women veterans’ research will need to take into consideration the physical effects of combat on women veterans, not just mental effects of combat and military sexual trauma.

Since women veterans are sometimes the family’s sole caregivers, services and benefits designed to promote independent living for combat-injured veterans will need to consider other needs – like child care during rehabilitation. This dynamic should also be considered more when designing domiciliary and homeless women veteran programs. Homeless veterans’ service providers’ clients have historically been almost exclusively male. That is changing as more women veterans and women veterans with young children have sought help. Additionally, the approximately 200,000 female Iraq veterans are isolated during and after deployment, making it difficult to find gender-specific peer-based support. Reports show that one of every 10 homeless veterans under the age of 45 is now a woman. Access to gender-appropriate care for these veterans is essential.



I Am The American Legion: Patricia Jackson-Kelly

Former Greater Los Angeles VA women veteran’s coordinator and Jackie Robinson Post 252 member talks about her passion for assisting women veterans and how The American Legion has inspired her along the way.

Great Quotes From Great Women: Words from the Women Who Shaped the World

If you had the opportunity to ask the greatest women of all time for advice, wouldn’t you jump at the chance? Draw from the timeless wisdom of women throughout history and change the way you look at life. Great Quotes from Great Women features the inspirational words of 34 incredible women. From historical icons (Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks) to the artists, entrepreneurs, and activists of today (Amy Poehler, Sheryl Sandberg, Malala Yousafzai), these are lives and words worth remembering.