golf tournament
District 21 has partnered with Patriot Golf (a Golf MFTG Company). The CEO of the company, Pedro Villanueava, wanted to help veterans and give back to our country. He made it a point to hire veterans, along with providing the training and an opportunity to participate in the manufacturing of high level golf clubs.
Pedro also wanted to give back, so he participates the District 21 American Legion in helping any post in the district by coordinating with the district office. Each post can host a golf event using his huge database of clients to help promote the golf event and proceeds go to District 21. Past District 21 Commander Rudolph Valadez and current District Commander David Brambila are pleased with the success of the golf event partnership. This year we are holding the event in Palm Springs, and have asked some celebrities and an active Marine Corps major general to participate in the event.
We look forward to being able to have each post and district develop their own annual golf event to help raise community awareness and funds for each district.
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Amado C Salinas II is assistant adjutant for District 21.
caLegion Contributor
Author: caLegion Contributor

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