When the members of American Legion Post 568 in Greenville returned to the location where their Post had stood on August 5th, their response was powerful.

Return Old Glory to her proper place of honor.

It was more than an act of defiance in response to the loss of their Post, it was a sign that The American Legion would never abandon their community or anyone who needs the Legion Family during such a traumatic time.


Legion Member Marj Goosey and the California Legion take action for the people of Greenville.
All 1100 residents were forced to evacuation centers throughout the area, finding sanctuary from California’s second largest wildfire ever. They had little time before the fire swept in and most fled with just the clothes on their back.

Marj Goosey, a long time Greenville resident and Vietnam veteran, asked her fellow Legionnaires to help those who had lost everything. 

Immediately, her fellow veterans sprang to action, working with county officials to deliver truckloads of cots, tents, blankets, and thousands of dollars in gift cards to help support the community of Greenville. 
Marj’s call to the American Legion Department of California activated a powerful network of volunteers and resources that eased the suffering of the displaced residents of Greenville. 

By generously donating to The American Legion California Fire Relief Fund, you provide critical aid to those who have lost so much due to the fires across our state.

When you make a gift of support for The American Legion California Fire Relief Fund, you make a real difference that is felt immediately by those who desperately need it.

Have you been impacted by this year’s fires?

If you have, we are here to help you. Simply email our Fire Relief team at LegionFireRelief@calegion.org or call us at 559.875.8387.

caLegion Contributor
Author: caLegion Contributor

The above article may contain opinions which are the author's own and may not necessarily reflect an official stance taken by The American Legion Department of California. We do our best to vet any information posted to the website. Please email webteam@calegion.org with any changes and/or corrections to anything published here.