Sons of The American Legion Detachment of California Commander Jeff Flynt and Escondido Sons Squadron 149 Commander Keith Bell present  children’s books to young fans in the stands at an American Legion Baseball game, for some wholesome summer reading. The girl on the left had already received a book at the Sons Sunday breakfast at Escondido Post 149 the day before.

The books the Sons gifted are from the award-winning and longstanding Berenstain Bears series, known for its themes of timeless life lessons, common faith-based messages, and family values.

An unintended bonus of caLegion Family members gifting books from this series is the books’ coincidental tie-in with the Department of California’s bear logo 🐻

Books like these make great gifts,  and those who read the books aloud to younger family members or children visiting a post also benefit from the books’ good messages that align nicely with “God and Country”.


caLegion Contributor
Author: caLegion Contributor

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