General homelessness increased in Los Angeles County by 10% since 2022. (Photo: Russ Allison Loar)
Happy (early) Independence Day! Our first California Veterans news roundup covers a plethora of VA updates, plus a few developments regarding Veterans homelessness throughout California and the United States.
Readers are encouraged to send Veterans-related stories to news@calegion.org.
Statewide: California Veterans news
- In partnership with the VA, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, is devoting $3.1 billion through the Continuum of Care program to address homeless across the country, with a significant portion being allocated to VA medical centers to combat Veterans homelessness.
- As of July 1, the VA is hosting PACT Act Summer VetFest to encourage Veterans to apply for toxic exposure benefits before the August 10 deadline. California Veterans can attend a webinar on July 11 from 12:00 to 12:45 p.m. PST to learn about PACT Act benefits.
- On June 28, the VA announced that it has allocated nearly $2 million to the National Cemetery Association to provide funding to educational institutions and non-profits for the purpose of memorializing and sharing the stories of Veterans interred at national cemeteries.
- The VA also announced on June 29 in a “first-of-their-kind” move that it has apportioned $11.5 million to a fund that will help pay for legal services for Homeless Veterans around the country.
Los Angeles Veterans news
- Per the county’s most recent count, general homelessness in Los Angeles increased by 10% since the last count in 2022. It is currently unclear how Veterans homelessness has been impacted since the last count.
- The West Los Angeles VA, Army Veteran and architect Frank Gehry, and developer Thomas Safran & Associates have broken ground on an additional 374 housing units for Homeless Veterans, bringing the count to nearly 1,000 units in various states of completion. The group intends to build 1,200 total units.
- Veterans anxious about Fourth of July fireworks will receive some relief as the county continues to phase out traditional fireworks in favor of drone shows. In the biggest switch yet, Downtown Los Angeles is adopting a fireworks-less celebration for its celebration tomorrow.
San Diego Veterans news
- As part of the Veterans’ Employment and Training Service program, two San Diego non-profits received Department of Labor funds to help Homeless Veterans in their communities reenter the workforce. Vietnam Veterans of San Diego and Able-Disabled Advocacy received $500,000 and $476,000 respectively.
Bay Area / San Mateo County Veterans news
- The remains of Air Force Col. Ernie De Soto, who was shot down during the Vietnam War, have been returned to his family in Burlingame. A memorial service with full military honors was held on June 30 with his family in attendance.
Recent Veterans articles & videos from California American Legion
- News: Celebrate Independence Day 2023 with Exciting Events in California
- Discounts: Independence Day Sales and Exclusive Offers for Veterans and Military Personnel
- News: The American Legion California Boys State Program Embraces Coeducation
- News: California License Plate Decal Option Honors Women Veterans
- News: Supreme Court to decide on increased GI Bill benefits for Veterans
Important Veterans & Military Holidays in July
- July 4 — Independence Day
- JULY 27 — National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day
Is it beyond our capacity to regroup the needed love within our hearts and answer the call to bring all veterans home now. How can All peoples whom have chosen to not
participate with this silent cry for just a small smile ever find solace to rest upon.
They have given a complete commitment and returned with so much repressed and unanswered sorrow laden anxiety. Do you forsake your own in life’s daily stress ?
They are your own and have earned that honorably…please look to this commitment and stand and be counted…open the new doors…Thank You