It is with great pleasure that District 19 proudly welcomed a new American Legion Riders Chapter to the District’s Family at Battleship Iowa Post 61, led by Post Commander Jose Alfaro.

ALR Chapter 61 is led by the following officers: Mike Hjemstead, Director; Jeric Wilhelmsen, Vice Director; and Bryon Smith, Treasurer. The leaders of Chapter 61 were installed by Brian Toal, Department Vice Director. Also present at the installation, but not shown, were Chapter 61 members Jon Stites and Weston Scott.

Makenna Uriarte
Author: Makenna Uriarte

Makenna began working for the American Legion Department of California in 2022 as the Information/Communications Coordinator. In addition to this role, she is also part of the web team where she uses her passion and training in graphic design to help monitor/update the Department of California website, publish news stories, and work with the editorial team on the California Legionnaire newsletter.