The Oratorical Commission meets virtually in planning the Department Oratorical Speech Contest. Currently, we would like to share with you some insight into having a contest at your Post, District, or Area.

First, in planning your contest, you should be aware of the dates for your next level contest. Setting a date without that knowledge only puts your contest in jeopardy. For example, we, as the Department Area Commissioners, cannot set our date until we are aware of the National Oratorical Contest date and their requirements.

Second, you should plan your contest at a date, location, and time that does not conflict with other activities. Doing so can reduce the availability for those who want to attend, to be there and make your contest successful.

Third, you should work in conjunction with your next level. There is vital information provided by the Commission that you will need for your candidate when he/she advances to the next level.

The Commission is working to provide the dates of those Districts that plan to have a contest. The Area Commissioners should also provide you with the Area Contest date, location, and time. This information is also available on the Oratorical Contest Commission page. Please try to avoid having your contest the day before your Area. It is unfair to the students competing.

Finally, all levels should be following the Chairman Guidelines found on the National website under Oratorical Contest Resources, that can be downloaded for free. National has recommended we follow the guidelines, and the Department Oratorical Commission agrees, in order that the contest is handled the same at all levels. Therefore, students are not surprised when they compete in a contest handled by the guidelines.

All students should have a completed W-9 and a Participation Form accompany them at all levels. A W-9 can be obtained online. The Participation Form can be obtained from your Area Commissioner.

The Commissioners are as follow:
Area 1: Arlene Salvador –
Area 2: Larry Maggio, Co-Chair –
Area 3: Mildred S Wright-Pearson, Chair –
Area 4: Gil Soto –
Area 5: Josie Thomas –
Area 6: Danielle Baker –

The Department Oratorical Contest will be held Sunday, February 25, 2024, at 1 PM, at Ronald Reagan Palisades Post 283, 15247 La Cruz Dr, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Please mark your calendars.

Orate for Americanism

Mildred S Wright Pearson
Third Area Commissioner
Department of California

caLegion Contributor
Author: caLegion Contributor

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