Letter to the Editor

Subject: Resolution 2023-007 Term Limits for Department Officers

As a member of the Department of California Web Team I’ve been involved in posting on our website all the resolutions being considered for adoption, at the 2023 Department of California Convention. I found Resolution 2023-007 Term Limits for Department Officers especially encouraging, and I believe our Legionnaires should pass this resolution.

When passed, this resolution would give us the option to elect good leaders for a second term. There would be no mandate for a leader to serve a second term, and any leader we decide to nominate for a second term could accept or decline the nomination as they see fit. The resolution just gives us the option to elect good leaders for a second term, because we need good leaders. We give District Commanders the option of serving two terms, why not give other Department Officers the same option?

When we elect good leaders for a second term, they can put into action during their second year all the experience and knowledge they developed in their first year of service, making them stronger and more effective leaders. We deserve stronger and more effective leaders.

Therefore, I encourage my fellow Legionnaires to pass Resolution 2023-007 Term Limits for Department Leaders.

For God and Country.

Rick Pushies
Member Department of California Web Team

Most Important Things
Web Team
Author: Web Team

Rick is a veteran of the Marine Corps and served during the Vietnam War era. He serves as a Technical Advisor to the Media and Communications Commission. He is a member of the Department Web Team. Rick received the Otto Hasse Legionnaire of the Year Award in 2016, Department of California Award for work on the department website in 2019, and in 2023 Rick received The American Legion Medal of Merit from the Department of California.