Post Member Handbook
- Member Handbook (Sample) MS Word doc | pdf
The American Legion states, “The Officer’s Guide is intended as the principal handbook issued by National Headquarters to help American Legion officers fulfill their responsibilities.” This “principal handbook” is a very useful training tool full of important information for post officers. Legionnaires, new and seasoned can also benefit from a simple easy-to-follow Post Member Handbook.
We have a sample Post Member Handbook available on our website. (provide link) in a format that allows the sample to be easily edited (MS Word) to meet the needs of individual posts. We highly recommend posts download this sample handbook, as the basics of a good Member Handbook have already been prepared for you. The sample handbook can be adapted to your post’s specific needs.
A good comprehensive Member Handbook is a great resource to help members, especially new members, better understand your post’s operations in addition to helping them feel welcome. A handbook is an important resource for new members that answers many questions that may come up from time to time. It provides a good review of your post organization and identifies activities your post supports.
Posts should provide an orientation for every member, either individually or in a more traditional training setting in the post. The initial orientation of members in many posts is also provided to new members of the American Legion Riders and Sons of the American Legion as they are important programs of the post. The American Legion Auxiliary is another welcome attendee.
As all posts are the parent of their American Legion Family, all members of the family should have a good orientation about what the parent post does. Your Post Member Handbook can help your Legion Family become better informed on how your post serves our veterans, their families, and our communities.