Autrey James

Important convention rules: Legion post compliance
Convention is quickly approaching and the headquarters staff is working diligently to get packets ready to make registration go smoothly. In an effort to help...

Who are you remembering this Memorial Day?
As the day dawns on this Memorial Day, this day has come to mean many different things to many different people. For some, it is...

American Legion Washington Conference moved online
This year's Washington Conference has been cancelled so no trip to our nation’s capital in March for most of us, but the work of the...

Tribute to 5th Area Vice Commander, Harry Woods
For the second time this week, I must inform you of the loss of another leader in the American Legion Department of California. I was...

Tribute to Past Department Commander, Edward Grimsley
With profound sadness, I must announce that my dear friend and our immediate past commander Edward Grimsley transitioned to Post Everlasting at 5 this morning. ...

UPDATE: How to help Dixie Fire survivors
Our Comrades in the north have suffered tragic losses of their home and even their Post home. They and the community have the following needs.

Commander seeks Legion Family trainers to fill ranks of Training Committee
The American Legion Department of California is looking for candidates for its Training Committee.

February is a month to recognize Black contributions to America
As we enter this February, a month designated as “Black History Month” I urge us all to rethink this month. I think of it as...

Parliamentary Procedures training webinar this Sunday
The Department of California Training Committee is hosting a parliamentary procedures training session on Sunday at 2 p.m. Register now.

Info for Sunday’s online training
The Department Training Committee will hold a training session on Sunday to cover the topics of Online Department Forms, Membership Processing, Post Adjutant Best Practices,...