I’m editing my post because I called these mediocre do-nothing bills what they are.
What is the leading driver of veteran suicide in CA?
Drug abuse usually tied to housing insecurity or homelessness. We could provide vets with reductions in property tax rates tied to their disability rating. Going from 10% for a zero percent rating (which means you do have an injury but it isn’t eligible for payment) up to 100% for ninety percent ratings and above. We could provide additional support to actually encourage veteran home ownership by providing a forgivable loan to pay down points on the veterans home loan, once again, tied to rating on a sliding scale. Doing these things would reduce veteran suicide and drug usage. INSTEAD, as usual, they do something that does nothing meaningful and then expect us to be grateful for theatre instead of leadership.
Has the California State Government been approach about not taxing military retirements of California residents? This is the only state, out of 50 that taxes 100-percent of Military Pensions. The other 49 states either tax a percentage of Military Retirement or don’t tax the Military pensions. Especially when the State has 30-plus billion dollars in excess.
I’ll be long gone (out of my home state) if they wait until 2033 to implement – otherwise, I would actually consider staying here. Yeah, California will still get my SSN income, but ya know, the weather is good 🙂
I totally agree it is all about money and California has been reaping the benefits from the Veteran’s. However, I bet someone has noticed a lot of Veteran’s have been leaving California now for quite sometime because of the taxes. I’ll wait and see how this new bill gets approved. I have been debating for several years now on whether I should relocate. Too many of my Veteran friends have relocated to other states and have been telling me to do the same. I love California but there does come a time when enough is enough!
I retired at age 45…..I’m not waiting around 15 years to enjoy a benefit I can take advantage of in another state right now. Why would I want to pay taxes in CA for 15 more years?? Get rid of the age stipulation.
These veterans most likely did not earn their retirement in California. They earned it at the East German Border, or Vietnam or South Korea or Panama or Honduras…..What claim should the state of California have on that????
It’s all about the money. Some military folks can put 20 years in and retire as early as 38-40 years old. That’s a lot of taxable income California would miss out on so there’s no incentive for the state to do so. The “workforce” line is pandering.
I’m editing my post because I called these mediocre do-nothing bills what they are.
What is the leading driver of veteran suicide in CA?
Drug abuse usually tied to housing insecurity or homelessness. We could provide vets with reductions in property tax rates tied to their disability rating. Going from 10% for a zero percent rating (which means you do have an injury but it isn’t eligible for payment) up to 100% for ninety percent ratings and above. We could provide additional support to actually encourage veteran home ownership by providing a forgivable loan to pay down points on the veterans home loan, once again, tied to rating on a sliding scale. Doing these things would reduce veteran suicide and drug usage. INSTEAD, as usual, they do something that does nothing meaningful and then expect us to be grateful for theatre instead of leadership.
Has the California State Government been approach about not taxing military retirements of California residents? This is the only state, out of 50 that taxes 100-percent of Military Pensions. The other 49 states either tax a percentage of Military Retirement or don’t tax the Military pensions. Especially when the State has 30-plus billion dollars in excess.
I’ll be long gone (out of my home state) if they wait until 2033 to implement – otherwise, I would actually consider staying here. Yeah, California will still get my SSN income, but ya know, the weather is good 🙂
I totally agree it is all about money and California has been reaping the benefits from the Veteran’s. However, I bet someone has noticed a lot of Veteran’s have been leaving California now for quite sometime because of the taxes. I’ll wait and see how this new bill gets approved. I have been debating for several years now on whether I should relocate. Too many of my Veteran friends have relocated to other states and have been telling me to do the same. I love California but there does come a time when enough is enough!
What is the current status of SB-1073 and SB-1357? Thank you.
Hi Chris,
Visit the California State Commanders Veterans Council (CSCVC) website at https://calcommanders.org/ to send a message to your local representative.
I hope this helps. Take care.
Rick Pushies
Web Team
I retired at age 45…..I’m not waiting around 15 years to enjoy a benefit I can take advantage of in another state right now. Why would I want to pay taxes in CA for 15 more years?? Get rid of the age stipulation.
These veterans most likely did not earn their retirement in California. They earned it at the East German Border, or Vietnam or South Korea or Panama or Honduras…..What claim should the state of California have on that????
It’s all about the money. Some military folks can put 20 years in and retire as early as 38-40 years old. That’s a lot of taxable income California would miss out on so there’s no incentive for the state to do so. The “workforce” line is pandering.