Rikki Almanza

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  • Rikki Almanza

User Comments

... Robert Moore

Using BTSSS I have been shorted bridge toll while being paid for mileage even though the mileage takes me through toll booths. I have had a claim denied and then getting paid for the next visit. I have made written complaints, message complaints patient advocate reports and phone calls with out receiving payment.
I travel from Northern California Va to San Francisco Va. San Francisco always gives me a hard time

... Ken

I liked the old system, it was right there! Every time I went to an appointment. It was easy and I used every time. As did All in there. IF IT AIN’T BROKE DON’T FIX IT.

... Kenneth Douglas

Promotion of unhealthy behavior and attempting to make it good, acceptable and normal is a very bad idea.

... James Yourzek

Masks never did anything to stop the spread of Covid,the virus is smaller than a oxygen atom it would go right through a cloth mask one big lie

... Erik

May the Lord Almighty welcome you home and rest in the loving arms of Jesus Christ for eternity. You fought the good fight all your blessed life. May you now sit at the right hand of God.

... Kevin Burns, Aerospace Commission

Excellent article. Thank you for writing about our California outstanding aviators, he is a national hero.

... David Goldstein

A truly wonderful and brave American we should all be proud of I wish there were more people like Henry in our world today and we would be a lot better off