Disable Veteran do not know the laws that protect veterans under the when dealing with all government agencies . Disable vets have constructional that say all laws , rules , regulation , and polices must comply with the laws of section 28 part B and section 5.04 Title 1, 2, 3,.of State and Federal government that is require to be train to understand how to talk to a person who suffers with PTSD . It is a felony of 2 year’s In jail or probation plus 100.000. dollars fine per violation plus attorney fee and court cost plus punitive damages . The VA has violated these laws in everything the do so has the police department and end up paying $100.000 of thousands of dollars to veterans who fights for there rights . We need Attorneys who can fight for discrimination of civil rights cases for veterans . Veterans should not have to fight in court for something that is a given .
No matter how much support a bill like AB46 gathers, its never enough to have it pass. As a 30 year veteran, I work in California and make a good living, but eventually the cost of living here will drive veterans like myself away This bill would have helped keep some in California, but it seems that most California state legislators don’t really care that much about veterans or perhaps its just not that important to them.
On behalf of the ALUMNI – we are honored Hollywood Post 43 is partnering with us to help preserve these Musical Art Forms of Big Band Swing, Jazz, and Traditional Vocal Pop Standards.
Again, Thank You.
Bill A. Jones
The Big Band Alumni – a Los Angeles musical institution celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2024 – performs monthly in The Select Sunday Series at Hollywood Post 43 and at their weekly Tuesday morning public rehearsals at Canoga Park Elks Lodge. For more information go to http://www.BigBandAlumni.com.
Can California afford to not pass this bill. Faced with a choice, military retirees will continue to move out of California instead of remaining in a state that is rapidly becoming unaffordable. And as they choose other landing spots, California will deprive itself of all of the great things retirees offer like steady and reliable income, technical skills, exemplary citizenship, and already provided healthcare. CA should revisit this decision to suspend this matter.
I support this bill 100% and it is way overdue. Veterans have sacrifice some much for our country and communities and so many other States already have this law established, California please take care of our military retirees.
It seems it is always fiscally responsible to send our Vets to war But sadly, while we have verbal bi-partisan support it is meaningless without action. Lots of words of support but there never seems to be any action.
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Disable Veteran do not know the laws that protect veterans under the when dealing with all government agencies . Disable vets have constructional that say all laws , rules , regulation , and polices must comply with the laws of section 28 part B and section 5.04 Title 1, 2, 3,.of State and Federal government that is require to be train to understand how to talk to a person who suffers with PTSD . It is a felony of 2 year’s In jail or probation plus 100.000. dollars fine per violation plus attorney fee and court cost plus punitive damages . The VA has violated these laws in everything the do so has the police department and end up paying $100.000 of thousands of dollars to veterans who fights for there rights . We need Attorneys who can fight for discrimination of civil rights cases for veterans . Veterans should not have to fight in court for something that is a given .
No matter how much support a bill like AB46 gathers, its never enough to have it pass. As a 30 year veteran, I work in California and make a good living, but eventually the cost of living here will drive veterans like myself away This bill would have helped keep some in California, but it seems that most California state legislators don’t really care that much about veterans or perhaps its just not that important to them.
how do you find out if you are enrolled in the MVP?
On behalf of the ALUMNI – we are honored Hollywood Post 43 is partnering with us to help preserve these Musical Art Forms of Big Band Swing, Jazz, and Traditional Vocal Pop Standards.
Again, Thank You.
Bill A. Jones
The Big Band Alumni – a Los Angeles musical institution celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2024 – performs monthly in The Select Sunday Series at Hollywood Post 43 and at their weekly Tuesday morning public rehearsals at Canoga Park Elks Lodge. For more information go to http://www.BigBandAlumni.com.
Can California afford to not pass this bill. Faced with a choice, military retirees will continue to move out of California instead of remaining in a state that is rapidly becoming unaffordable. And as they choose other landing spots, California will deprive itself of all of the great things retirees offer like steady and reliable income, technical skills, exemplary citizenship, and already provided healthcare. CA should revisit this decision to suspend this matter.
I support this bill 100% and it is way overdue. Veterans have sacrifice some much for our country and communities and so many other States already have this law established, California please take care of our military retirees.
It seems it is always fiscally responsible to send our Vets to war But sadly, while we have verbal bi-partisan support it is meaningless without action. Lots of words of support but there never seems to be any action.
Alot of good information on this blog, thanks!
Congrats to Post 291!