Hello Legion Family,


The Web Team has been working hard to maintain the Department of California website, which has become one of the finest in The American Legion. Keeping our website current and up to date is a big part of why it is doing so well.

Working as part of the Media & Communications Commission, the Web Team has a big responsibility and we’re looking to expand (Many hands make light work!). A desire to help is for more important than skill or experience working with a website. If you know of any members of our Legion Family who would like to join our Web Team, have them send me an email to me at: rpushies@yahoo.com 

Our Web Team has recently made a number of updates to the website that you may find of interest.

New sidebars (right-hand column) are being worked into the pages of our website, which number over 170 pages, so it will take some time to make all the updates. All sidebars will include a link to the veteran’s crisis line, a search option, (as the old sidebar did), and links to many important resources.

There is also a new footer on each page that includes a search option. Our website contains a lot of useful information, and finding the right information can be a challenge for our users. Recent changes to our website WordPress theme have made it easier to include features (like search functions). Access to a search function helps users find what they need. 

In addition to the search function in the footer, the new footer includes links to: 

Your Comments & Suggestions
Our new footer also includes a link to the Your Comments & Suggestions page. This new page allows feedback from all our users that can provide supportive comments, suggestions to improve our website and notification of problems encountered. We have already received notification from a Veterans Service Officer of a wrong phone number, the phone number has been corrected and a reply has been sent letting him know we received his comment and took action.

Resource Library
Some significant updates have also been made to the “Resource Library” webpage. You may want to visit the page and check out the updates.  They include brief descriptions of what the linked pages contain.

There are also direct links to the Share A Prayer page, The Boys State website, the national Legion Publications page and the Your Comments & Suggestions page. 

We hope these changes to the website and Resource Library page will make it easier for our Legion Family to find the resources they are looking for on our website. Our users now also have an opportunity to provide feedback on how we are doing. 


Thank you.

Rick Pushies
Media & Communications Commission
Technical Advisor & Web Team member

caLegion Contributor
Author: caLegion Contributor

The above article may contain opinions which are the author's own and may not necessarily reflect an official stance taken by The American Legion Department of California. We do our best to vet any information posted to the website. Please email webteam@calegion.org with any changes and/or corrections to anything published here.