California Media Awards

Now that the Oscars are over, it’s time to focus on the California Media Awards. It’s been a few years, but The American Legion Department of California is once again shining a light on outstanding contributions to journalism, public relations, media, and communications with its annual California Media Awards. Celebrating the best in content that serves, cooperates with, and highlights the veteran community, this award is a testament to the power of media in fostering understanding and support for those who’ve served — and continue to serve — our country.

Entries for this prestigious award cover a wide range of media including radio, television, newspapers, and more, reflecting the diverse ways in which stories about veterans and The American Legion can be shared. If you have made significant contributions in these areas within the May 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024 timeframe, you are encouraged to submit your work.

In addition to celebrating individual contributions, we encourage Posts to recognize local media outlets making significant impacts in their towns. This is a call-out to all Posts to nominate media organizations or individuals who have demonstrated exceptional support and coverage of veterans’ affairs, community events, and American Legion activities. Highlighting these collaborations strengthens community ties and honors those who amplify our mission. Let’s acknowledge the role these media partners play in bringing veteran stories and issues to the forefront of public consciousness. Submit your nominations alongside your entries, and let’s showcase the power of partnership in supporting our veterans and their stories.

Importantly, the deadline for submission is a hard cut-off: all materials must be submitted or postmarked by May 1, 2024 to be eligible for consideration. This gives you ample time to gather your best work from the past year and put it forward for this distinguished recognition at our Department Convention in Visalia June 27-30, 2024.

For American Legion members, Posts, and media professionals alike, this award offers a chance not only for recognition but also for reflection on the importance of media and communication in advocating for veteran issues. Whether you’re telling stories of bravery, sacrifice, community service, or the daily lives of veterans, your voice matters.

Let’s celebrate the best among us, those who use their talents to elevate veteran stories and foster a greater understanding of their service and sacrifices. Get your submissions ready, and let’s make this year’s Media Communications Award a testament to the power and impact of your work.

Jared Morgan
Author: Jared Morgan

Jared is the senior editor and web team lead for the Department of California and chair of its Media & Communications Commission. He became a member of the American Legion in 2014 when he joined Palisades Post 283 to find stories about veterans issues for a local newspaper while working as its news editor. He was soon brought in as 283's assistant adjutant and historian to help produce the post's award-winning community newspaper. Since then, Jared has used his media skills to help further the efforts of The American Legion in its advocacy of veterans and their families. Jared has also worked for several years to help revitalize the 100-year-old Santa Monica Post 123, formerly as its adjutant and as a member of its executive board, before transferring back to Post 283.