Makenna Uriarte

2024-2025 Department Forms are Now Available
This includes all mandatory post report forms, district report forms, and area report forms. Please submit as soon as possible.

Auxiliary National President Lisa Williamson to Visit California March 7-11
Unit 77 and Unit 43 will be hosting dinners for ALA President Lisa Williamson during her visit. See below for more details:

Now Accepting Applications for California American Legion College 1-2024
Applications must be submitted by April 1.

The American Legion National Commander Daniel J Seehafer is Visiting California
Check out the events happening while he is here!

REMINDER: Certification of Post Financial Audit Form Due Nov. 15
The mandatory Certification of Post Financial Audit form is due November 15. Submit today!

Four Pillars Sweepstakes Winners
Congratulations to the winners of our Four Pillars Sweepstakes!

Learn to Fly a Drone Indoors with Post 291
At the 104th Department Convention, a resolution was passed stating that a program be adopted to provide and develop a Drone Soccer/UAV Drone Pilot Program...

Celebration of Life – Albert “Poncho” Villa
A celebration of life will be held for Albert "Poncho" Villa Jr on October 14. At the time of his passing, Poncho was the Calaveras...

Now Accepting Applications for California American Legion College 2 – 2023
We are now applications for the Fall Course of the California American Legion College! The California American Legion College is conducted in California and is...