Rikki Almanza

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  • Rikki Almanza

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... J A Edwards

I take it that the White House doesn’t read or believe in the Word of God or the infamous “All men are created equal”. Believers sigh, “here we are as it was prophesied” in revelations. I wonder, will the White House also strike the Word of God.
And let us not forget, there are many who support negative behavior and in their own right will be just as accountable.
the faithful must remain faithful through these turbulent times. There is God who is greater than the god of this world. God will have the last word and there’s no if, ands or buts about it!

... James Whitsett

As a CA native and current resident, I DO NOT think it is constructive to acknowledge political rhetoric and opinion when it comes to the subject of caring for our Veterans.

Veterans do NOT care about the whims of politicians but the services offered by government agencies where most needed.

Efforts to reduce the size and scope of government overall are now imperative to avoid the BANKRUPTCY of our country. Of equal importance is the investigation of where fraud, abuse and corruption in the delivery of providing the best care to our Veterans, and curtailing it wherever possible.

I would ask that you not endorse or support in any way the misinformed voices of CA politicians regarding the ongoing efforts of President Trump and Elon Musk at the Federal level.

Respectfully submitted,

James Whitsett, LtCol, USAFR (Ret.)
Member, American Legion Post CA 1601

... Jua Pie

Nothing will be cut, STOP THE SCARE TATICS, to many lazy do nothing employees there. Replace them w AI, starting by the pharmacy, all that should be automated…

NEXT CAN, all the OPM workers what a terrible government agency OVERSIGHT BLOATED wastes also can be automated…

And get ris of the disabled VA rating board ALL INJURED VETERANS SHOULD GET 100%


FREE COLLEGE for all high school students that graduated w a 3.5 or above average, let’s invest in the future of America

... Timothy Little

I can only speak to the care I have received from the V A medical system over the last 10 years. In 2015 I had an annual audio exam showing extreme hearing loss and had been retired from the Army for about eight years. I was told in no uncertain terms that I did not qualify for assistance with my hearing loss. Fast forward nine years and buying several hearing amplifiers, I had an audio gram done and took the print out to the Audio dept. of my local V A hospital. I walked in at 07:30 and by 13:30 had a set of hearing aids ordered, which has improved my quality of life ten fold. I was told that I was covered for the rest of my life. I attribute this change to the mentoring and management training that the V A has provided. I can personally attest to the improvement of the system due to proper training. As a veteran serving my country for twenty seven years it makes me proud of a country who stepped up and took care of a disability caused and/or worsened by my service. I am very displeased by a changed government system that would not continue to provide the best possible care for millions of men and women who have served our country proudly over the years.

... COL (R) John Wolf

The first thing the VA Director talks about is to complain about our free press. Nothing about the Veterans being fired for zero reason. Nothing about layoffs from the veterans crisis line.
We now know who’s back you have. SAD.

... Craig Roberts

I say let the DOGE have at it. There’s probably is Millions of dollars being wasted in the Office of Veterans Affairs and by the VA Healthcare Administration. Lets root out the waste and fraud and direct that money to the programs that are lacking. We, the Veterans, deserve it. MAGA!!!!!!!!

... Fred Acosta

Doge is doing a great job! Let them come in to the military and find out what the issue is! What are you afraid of!

... Fred Acosta

We need this. Sometimes it’s to far to get health care!

... Alfonso Reynoso Jr

One of many Vietnam War Veterans who has spent many years working through the VA system fighting for the government benefits which we earned and deserve, fighting for our country. This new administration hasn’t a clue of what we went through and continue to go through from our war experiences. My message to this administration do not mess with us VETERANS.

... Erik Lindgreen

As a American Legion/Rider member in good standing I believe that our organization should oppose any democratic propaganda designed to deter positive change. We need to stand fast, and help repair our great nation of tax payer waste.